The only school in the Campania Region that is accredited by two leading International Education Agencies for Pre-K through Grade 12.

Library Media Center
ISN recently completed a new Library Media Center with over 8,000 English texts. The Library is a dynamic extension of the classroom that provides students with opportunities to enhance the curriculum as well as offer additional opportunities for students to read, research, study, and explore areas of personal interest. The library blends traditional print materials, books, reference materials and periodicals, with digital multimedia research resources delivered via the wide‐area network and the Internet available through the Computer Lab.
Students visit the library during class time in order to foster an interest in reading or to support research projects as determined by the classroom teacher. Students are trained on how to use the Internet based library software to aid them in finding reading books as well as research materials. Each year students come to the library for a lesson on how to avoid plagiarism, how to cite sources within a research paper or lab report, and how to create a bibliography.
As part of student life at ISN, the school has lockers available for students from 7th - 12th grade for a non-refundable fee of €20.00 per year. Lockers are to be used to store school supplies and personal items necessary for use at school. Lockers shall not be used to store items which cause, or can reasonably be foreseen to cause or interference with school purposes or which are forbidden by local laws or school rules (e.g., drugs, drug paraphernalia, alcoholic beverages, flammable substances, explosive devices, any nauseous chemicals, any library book not properly checked out or overdue, unreturned gym or athletic equipment, any stolen items or any obscene material).
Student Council
High School: The purpose of the student council is to give ISN students the opportunity to undertake leadership roles within the school community and to enhance the quality of student life by acting as a ‘voice’ in planning of school events.
The ISN Student Council is an elected body of student representatives consisting of four Executive Officers elected by the Student Body and two representatives elected from grades 7 through 12.
Elementary School: The Elementary Student Council is an elected body of student representatives consisting of two representatives elected from grades 2 through 6.
Lunch Services
Students have the option to either bring lunch from home (no glass containers or knives) or order lunch through the school lunch program. The school lunch program is offered through an external catering company which provides and delivers fresh food daily. In order to participate in the school lunch program, parents / students must first purchase lunch tickets (by the booklet) from the cashier’s office.
Special Education
In order to ensure that students succeed in school, it is the responsibility of the parents to inform the school of any special needs that a child has. Only students who are identified as having mild or moderate disabilities are eligible for placement at ISN since the school does not have the resources to successfully administer a program for children with significant learning disabilities. Each child will be assisted and evaluated on an individual basis.
Parents or guardians who apply to ISN with children with special educational needs must provide copies of any previous evaluations or service plans available to the school. The school can then determine whether the child’s educational needs can be satisfactorily met without creating undue difficulties for the child.
College Counseling
The College Counselor gives valuable assistance to students, helping them with their academic goals and with their career development.
They advise students in making academic and career plans. They help students choose classes and plan for their lives after graduation. Counselors provide information about choosing and applying for colleges, training programs, financial aid, and apprenticeships. They may present career workshops to help students search and apply for jobs, write résumés, and improve interviewing skills.
Standardized Test
International Schools’ Assessment (ISA) is an annual assessment programme that has been specially developed to measure skills in mathematical literacy, reading and writing of students in international schools. ISA is based on the internationally endorsed reading and mathematical literacy frameworks of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. It is designed and developed in Australia by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). The ISA reports provide descriptive information about what students know and can do. The results are equated from year to year so they can be used to track changes over time at individual and school level. Students in grades 3, 5, 7, and 9 participate in the February session of the ISA.
After School Activities
The after school time period, from 3:30pm onwards is an important opportunity to increase physical activity amongst children and youth. Every day after school, each child can participates in the ‘after school experience’. The quality of this experience varies greatly depending on the nature of their participation. Parents/Guardians can support their children in leading healthy active lives by encouraging their participation in quality active after school programs that will enhance their well-being, and their physical, social, emotional and intellectual development.